Effect of cartoon programs on children’s language and behavior at early childhood level of education


  • Iqra Noor M.S. Scholar, Department of Education, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Tehsin Ehsan Lecturer, Department of Education, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Qaisara Parveen Associate Professor, Department of Education, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan.




Cartoon programs, Language development, Vocabulary acquisition


Cartoon television programs refer to animated television programs or series that use different animation styles to develop imaginary worlds with imaginary characters and stories. Animation films have an impact on children's upbringing. Watching cartoons and animated videos is harming a lot of kids. Children pick up new words, dressing sense, communication techniques, attitudes, and behaviors through animated films. Children's language development may gain from viewing cartoon programs, and extended cartoon exposure, young children's language development may be negatively or positively affected. The purpose of the study is 1) to find out the effect of cartoon programs on the language of children at early childhood. The importance of language cannot be disputed because we use it to express our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. This research may be beneficial for people trying to enhance children's language skills through helpful cartoon programs. The nature of this study was quantitative and descriptive. This study's sample included 103 teachers. The selection of teachers and schools was done using a simple random sampling technique. The questionnaire, or checklist, was created as a tool to collect data. Data was collected from pre-primary school teachers. The researcher created a self-structured checklist and questionnaire. This instrument used the Gutman rating scale. Data was collected from pre-primary school teachers. SPSS was used to analyzed the results was used in this study.




How to Cite

Iqra Noor, Tehsin Ehsan, & Qaisara Parveen. (2024). Effect of cartoon programs on children’s language and behavior at early childhood level of education. Pakistan Journal of Educational Research, 7(2), 104–113. https://doi.org/10.52337/pjer.v7i2.1066