Disaster management curriculum at higher secondary school level in Sindh Province
Disaster management, Curriculum, Goals, ImplementationAbstract
Findings reveal the province of Sindh is facing vulnerabilities to natural disasters. This study aimed to review the natural calamities recently in Sindh and evaluate the curriculum at Higher Secondary Schools (HSC) regarding disaster management. This study comprises the closed-ended questionnaire technique and the nature of this study is exploratory. The hypothesis of this study is null: no losses happened by the natural calamities, no content in the curriculum and no knowledge regarding the disasters in the students. There is no need for experience and knowledge in the context of Disaster Management (DM) curriculum for higher secondary school administration. Findings identified there is need of curriculum regarding the disaster management and curiosity of students for acquisition of knowledge. For the sharing of knowledge, the common method is implied in association with disaster management and there is not part of the content in all subjects. There is no particular training for the heads and teachers of higher secondary schools and for the curriculum implementation, the difficulty is faced. This study identified resources for the implementation of curriculum and the content regarding the phases of disasters are not covered. The present study recommended that the curriculum must be flexible and implemented in light of local situations. There should be a plan for the development of curriculum, and training for the particular learning. The design and evaluation of the curriculum must be with the involvement of school administration, pupils and teachers’ sand in the light of available resources and time.