KaSaB school: An innovative approach to infrastructure for High schools


  • Ashfaq Akram Curriculum Consultant, Medical Education Department, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  • Muhammad Azeem Medical Scholar, School of Medicine, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.
  • Muhammad Adil Research Scholar, Pakistan International School – English Section, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.




Business skills, Education, Family values, High School, Infrastructure


The KaSaB (K-Knowledge, S-Skills, B-Behavior) School offers an innovative infrastructure designed to instill family and social values, and business skills in high school students. In addition to traditional academic facilities, the KaSaB School offers a Family Lab, Skill Lab, and Business Lab. These labs replicate real-world settings such as homes, marketplaces, and vocational workshops. Along with the existing traditional curriculum, a new course ‘Daily Life Module’ will be delivered using these labs to develop and promote true family, social, and business values in the students. Furthermore, the challenges to establishing KaSaB Schools are discussed.




How to Cite

Ashfaq Akram, Muhammad Azeem, & Muhammad Adil. (2024). KaSaB school: An innovative approach to infrastructure for High schools. Pakistan Journal of Educational Research, 7(2), 283–298. https://doi.org/10.52337/pjer.v7i2.1082