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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Before you submit your paper, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the details given below.

Please note that sending your paper to more than one place at a time is unethical and illegal. PGIR has the authority to publish on its website the names of researchers who will perform this task.

Aims and Scope

PJER is a double-blind peer-reviewed, open access, bi-annual research journal, published by Society for Social Sciences and Research Association.

The journal publishes research papers, reviews and case studies, including but not limited to the following fields:

Education, Higher Education, Primary to Tertiary Education, Early childhood Education, Technical Education, Teachers Education, Islamic Education, Science & Education, Adult Education, Schooling, Educational Administration & Management, Curriculum, Curricular & co-curricular Activities, Educational Psychology / Sociology/Philosophy / History of Education, Character Education, Corporal Punishment, Critical Thinking, Dress Codes, Policies, Testing, Evaluation & Examination, Home Schooling, Sex Education, Multicultural Education, Action researches in Education, Parents of students, Socio-economic effects of/on Education, Environment of Educational Institution, PBL, Parent-Teacher Relationship, Prayer / Assembly in Schools, Privatizing Education, Public Sector, Religious Education, Guidance & Counseling, Career Education, Teacher Professional Development, School Violence.

Preparing Manuscript

Manuscripts should be typed in MS-Word. Text may kindly be limited to 3000 to 7000 words. With font size 12-point, font style ‘Times New Roman’, A4 Paper size and references should be in APA manual (6th edition) style.

Title page

The title page should:

• Present an appropriate title of the article 

• List full names, affiliation, institution, email addresses, and phone numbers of all authors.

• Indicate the corresponding author.


The abstract of 150- 200 words should briefly summarize the aim, findings, or purpose of the article. Please minimize the use of abbreviations and avoid citing references in the abstract.


Mention three to five keywords representing the main content of the article.


The introduction should explain the background of the study, its aims, a summary of the existing literature and why this study was necessary.

literature review

A literature review is a survey of scholarly sources on a specific topic. It provides an overview of current knowledge, allowing you to identify relevant theories, methods, and gaps in the existing research. A literature review involves collecting, evaluating and analyzing publications such as books and journal articles that relate to your research question and depending on the situation, the literature review may evaluate the sources and advise the reader on the most pertinent or relevant.


The objective is the purpose of the entire paper, not the entire paper itself. The objectives should reflect the main thrust of your paper, not delve into the nitty-gritty details.

Research methodology

The methodology describes the broad philosophical underpinning to your chosen research methods, including whether you are using qualitative or quantitative methods, or a mixture of both, and why. You should be clear about the academic basis for all the choices of research methods that you have made. It should answer two main questions: How was the data collected or generated? And, how was it analyzed? The writing should be direct and precise and always written in the past tense.


Data Analysis

Data analysis is an executive technical summary of the results got from a series of tests and experiments that are well written by the research paper writing help. It involves a review of gathered information for research and interpretation of the data collected using logical and analytical reasoning to determine trends, patterns, and relationships. Typically, the data analysis section of a research paper is divided into four main parts; description of preparing data, descriptive statistics resulting from experimental studies, inferential statistics from qualitative analysis and quantitative studies that explain the findings and sums up the conclusion

Findings / Result

The Results section of a scientific research paper represents the core findings of a study derived from the methods applied to gather and analyze information. It presents these findings in a logical sequence without bias or interpretation from the author, setting up the reader for later interpretation and evaluation in the Discussion section. A major purpose of the Results section is to break down the data into sentences that show its significance to the research question(s).

Discussion / Main Body 

For research articles, this section should discuss the implications of the findings in the context of existing research and highlight the limitations of the study. For methodology manuscripts, this section should include a discussion of any practical or operational issues involved in performing the study and any issues not covered in other sections.

For reviews, this should contain the body of the article, and may also be broken into subsections with short, informative headings. For case studies, this should describe the pros and the cons of the intervention, with a realistic evaluation of its feasibility and effectiveness.

Recommendations / Suggestions 

The recommendations that you introduce in your research paper are essential to the plans you have to move your field of study forward. Recommendations are the added suggestions that you want people to follow when performing future studies. These are based on what you have found or what you might be interested in doing at some point in the future.

If the paper is based on the case studies then the conclusion should state what was learned, what the next steps should be, and, if possible, what contingency planning may be required for those steps.

It contains helpful tips for all research stakeholders that are relevant to the topic and can help them improve it.


Please make sure you have the following information available before you submit your manuscript.

Author Information

Full names, affiliation, institutional and email addresses and phone numbers of all authors.

Peer Reviewers

You may suggest potential peer reviewers for PJER. If you wish to do so, please provide their institutional email addresses and contact numbers, or any information which will help the Editor to verify their identity.


Submitting your paper to ‘PJER’ means the author(s) agree that: 

• Authors permit SSSARA to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher.

• Authors also grant any third party the right to use the article freely as long as its integrity is maintained and its original authors, citation details and publisher are identified.

• All authors have approved the manuscript for submission.

• Confirmation that the manuscript is unpublished and is not submitted elsewhere for publication. 

• Submitting your article means you accept the terms and conditions of the journal, ‘Pakistan Journal of Educational Research'.


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Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.